With our unlimited energy, we are a brand...

"The most important feature of Akmed Elektrik, which is the most important solution center and brand in its sector with its quality and customer satisfaction, is that it offers all the services it needs to its customers from a single source. "

Adopting a customer-indexed mission, the company aims to be permanent in the sector with an organization structure that is qualified, dynamic, solution producer and can meet the requirements at any time and to be a brand at international standards in its field.


Akmed Elektrik sees its customers as stakeholders and creates value for them.

It is aware that it is its customer who has made it a solution center and a brand. Even if the customer is satisfied with less, as a solution partner, he works for his maximum benefit and continuous satisfaction.



Akmed Elektrik knows that the quality of products and services depends on the quality of the employees.

All employees in the team, from the engineer to the cleaner, have understood the importance of team understanding. In addition to the vocational training and development of its employees, it supports participation in social activities by sponsoring social, cultural and artistic organizations.


Sustainable development and the use of renewable energy sources are indispensable priorities for Akmed Elektrik.

It does its part to protect environmental values, nature and to transfer the living resources we have to future generations. It uses internationally approved quality products that do not harm nature.